光的課程祖師奶奶 Toni 來台灣,我這次終於找到機會讓她解讀 (reading)。Toni奶奶透過奧修禪卡給了我許多好的建議,後來安德魯上師也提供了我一些建議。以下是安德魯上師給我的一些訊息…
一直知道自己是來這裡當成一個 demo的,好讓大家了解到光才是真正的我們,我們是由光所構成的,這次在 Andrew的訊息中也聽到這樣的話。
It is good to speak. This is Andrew, we’ve been observing your soul, your consciousness, your spirit and your life.
It is good for you to know, you are really a old old soul. And you chose this life to be awakened to find the light in you, and to share with others who need to see the light in them.
You accepted the family, it was important for you to have all the lessons of earth and of this experience to awaken you to the need of helping others through their pain, and through their uncertainty, and through their losses.
In the teaching you give, you are preparing many to face life in an orderly and educated way.
Yet you often feel you have failed to be effective in their learning. You are not responsible for the reception of what the students choose to accept and be. But with the energy and the light magnify from you, you are begin to set you are having greater affect and success in what you do. This particular part of your life will continue and is meant to, you are valuable. And being the teacher is truly a success of service and a success for helping many people. The spiritual aspect of you is to be seen: this is my spiritual self becoming awaken through the lessons of light. My spiritual self is assisting my physical and conscious-self to be more awared of the light is all that is in life.
Your husband loves you very much. Each of you have been very different in each others’ experience. You think differently. You valuate life differently. You do not always agree on the same things. Yet you are in a relationship that offers lessens most needed to be experienced.
So you are shifting your awareness and your consciousness to a deeper part of you. And you may find your husband less interested in what you are pursuing. But a day comes when he too begins to see the value of spiritual energy in mind, body and soul.
Your daughters each are very adventure in their own particular way. Your concern for your one daughter is simply a cry for acceptance from her. And so begin to see her not in negativity. Let go of your fear of her reaction and simply think: my daughter’s becoming very independent, yet I know she desires success in a feel she can experience that frees her mind and her soul. I am seeing her creativity being understood, and guiding her to the next steps of her path. I’m seeing her success in what she does and how she becomes free from negativity.
And as I speak let it be. The radiance of the gold light magnifies in you and the energy of its vibration is affecting thought and feeling and conditions surronding you. And you are seeing your home your places of life being more balance more in devine order and less negative in every way.
So now as I speak, think: I’m letting go of fears, of not being accepted by students, by children, or life. I’m seeing myself being accepted of all that I do and all that I say in a positive and healing way.
And when we are in this completion of this session, the frequency of golden light is intensified. Just accept: I am releasing anger, I am releasing fear, I am releasing doubts, I am truly see. I am directing energy of love, energy of understanding, and energy of light. I release all my suffering and negativity to the source of high consciousness. And it is so.
You are very much on a journey with change taking place. And it is important to visit other places. Your husband and you can find something you both would be interested and want to share. Walk in peace and may the light deep in through you.